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Discover & Practice...

Introduction to Reggae Music

(Complete Guide)

Reggae isn't just a musical genre. It is a revolution, a love letter to life and declaration of war to injustice and inequality.


Want to get better in your drumming technique? Learn all about the 40 Snare Drum Rudiments with amazing images, sheet music, and audio aid. Improve your creativity and technique with daily practice!

Essential Beats

All genres have basic rhythms that are commonly used. Here are 10 drum beats that any drummer should learn when starting out. 

Legendary Beats

Drums' history is full of memorable performances and recordings, so we decided to bring some of those legendary beats. Learn the most iconic drum beats in history with easy Sheet Music Guides and Examples. New Legendary Beat each Month!

Timeless Intros

There are some songs that have a unique and memorable opening drum beat. So we decided to create a sheet music guide for some of the most famous and extraordinary drum intros. New Timeless intro each Month!

Fills from History

Sometimes you hear a drum beat that is so unique that it survives through time. We decided to take some of the most famous and unique drum fill in history and create a sheet music guide. New Fill each Month!

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Discover Music

Both as a drummer and a musician it is always rewarding to explore new musical genres, styles and artist. Boots your creativity and inspiration by finding new music from all around the globe!

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